As they think they are
Someone sent a link to a Time Magazine graph detailing global math and reading test results.
We are sharing this with our readers because one of the greatest (the only one actually) arguments that the Turkish boys have for bringing all of their Turkish buddies over on H1-B visas is because the United States desperately needs qualified Math and Science teachers, and they cannot be found in the United States (despite our high unemployment rates).
Let’s go with that argument and then examine Turkey’s Math and Reading scores and it’s not such a pretty picture. Turkey's scores 17 points lower in math and 50 points lower in reading. So if Turkey is scoring substantially lower in reading and math, then tell us again why we are bringing over Turkish teachers to teach American kids?
How is bringing over Turkish teachers who for the most part barely speak English and do not hold teaching credentials of any sort (which is why they are always getting substitute licenses once they land here), going to help improve our math and reading scores?
We would suggest that the guys head over to Russia to teach because their scores are even lower than Turkey’s, but the Russians are on to Gulen and have already shut down many of his schools over there.
That leaves Chile, which is a good choice because of the low cost of living and the fact that the boys do not have to have an entry visa. Just imagine how much more money the boys could kick back to the Tuzuk fund (see the Tuzuk blog for explanation) if they live cheaper in Chile. You might want to put a "little bug" in Gulen's ear.
Adios! Boys!
Click on the link below to view the graph:,31813,2043378,00.html
Read more:,31813,2043378,00.html#ixzz1CJykGkfK