Taking care of the little woman
In keeping with our "fire the pregnant American teacher theme," (see related posts, "Liar, Liar," and "Bad Boys"), we have decided to highlight an interesting bit of information that came from the Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology School out of Paterson, New Jersey.
In particular, note how when the Director of the school, Ahmat Anar (AKA Matt Anar), wanted his pregnant Turkish wife and school employee, Fatma Anar, to have an extended maternity leave, that he conveniently had the Board change the employee policies to reflect an extended time period/maternity leave (side note -- this is also what they do when they want the schools to pay for their education, but that's another matter).
Hey, we think it's great that they want women to get extra time off to take care of their newborns, but we wonder why the policy was not put into effect until Anar's wife was expecting. Maybe they just got around to reading the Family Leave Act (requiring them to actually read and abide by the United States' employment laws).
As always -- it's a double standard whenever the Turks are in charge. What ever works best for them happens and whatever does not work -- gets an American fired.
Pay particular attention to sections in the minutes that have been highlighted in red:
(HR08-28 and SR08-13).
Minutes transcript below:
276 Wabash Ave., Paterson, NJ 07503
Tel: (973) 247 0600 Fax: (973) 247 9924
Date : October 31, 2007 / 7:30 pm
Place : 276 Wabash Ave., Paterson, NJ 07503/Library-Media Center
- Regular Meeting of the Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology was called to order by Mr. John Toklu, the board president, at 7:30 p.m. and he read the open public meeting act statement. The Board reserved the right to act on any or all agenda items.
This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted in The Record, The Herald News, Passaic County Clerk’s Office, Paterson City Clerk’s Office, and the school website.
A quorum of the board was not present at 7: 30 p.m. and the meeting went into a recess for a period until the quorum was reached. The meeting was called back to order at 7:34 p.m. and thereafter Mr. Toklu led the flag salute.
Mr. Anar called the Roll:
Mr. Toklu
Mr. Nelson
Mrs. James-Bailey
Mr. Aydin
Mr. Oncul
Mr. Ozlu
Arrived at 7: 34 pm
Mr. Ari
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Fatih Oncul made a motion, seconded by Mr. Tunc Ozlu, to approve the following Board of Trustees Minutes:
Regular Meeting of September 26, 2007
Special Meeting of October 06, 2007
Roll call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Lead Person’s Report – Mr. Emrah Ayhan
Mr. Ayhan presented his monthly report for October. He reviewed the major activities during the month including Terra Nova results and clubs. He also mentioned that there was a staff In-service day that teachers received a workshop. He commented on incident report and student count which was 504 as of 10/31.
Mr. Oncul asked that all correspondence sent to parents also be sent to the board members.
Mr. Ayhan stated that he is considering the following next year:
single-sex education.
longer school day with teachers compensated accordingly.
block sections for math.
decreased lunch time hours.
Motion by Mr. Nelson, Seconded by Mr. Oncul, to adopt the agenda as presented.
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
Motion by Mr. Oncul, seconded by Mr. Ozlu, to open the public comment session. Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Toklu asked for members of the public wishing to speak on items listed in the agenda only. No public comments were made.
Motion by Mr. Oncul, seconded by Mr. Ozlu, to close the public comment session. Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Aydin, to approve the following agenda items #E08-08 through #E08-10 :
E08-08. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve the following addition to previously approved teachers list for Bedside Instruction for Student#1.
Eric Fowler, Grade 11th Language Arts Teacher
E08-09. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person for the following field trips:
# of student
Total cost
School Share
National Great Blacks and Wax Museum, Baltimore, MD
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
E08-10. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person the following modifications to the current school calendar:
December 19, 2007: School closed for students (Full Staff-In-Service Day)
April 22, 2008: Full school day (No early dismissal)
May 20, 2008: Full school day (No early dismissal)
Discussion: Mr. Toklu asked why we needed a full day of In-service. Mr. Ayhan stated that a full day was required for the topic of the In-service.
Roll Call for items E08-08 through E08-10
Mr. Toklu
Mr. Nelson
Mrs. James-Bailey
Mr. Ari
Mr. Oncul
Mrs. Castillo
Mr. Ozlu
Mr. Aydin
The motion PASSED.
Human Resources
Motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Oncul, to approve the following agenda items #HR08-23 through #HR08-34:
HR08-23. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to acknowledge the Professional Development Committee comprising of the following staff members: (four instructional staff members) Mr. David Petriello, Mr. Olcay Yavuz, Ms. Krishana Scott and Mr. Regan Jones; (two administrators) Mr. Salvatore Anzaldi and Dr. Donald Merachnik and Mrs. Rose Oral as Mentor Program Coordinator.
HR08-24. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to appoint Helen Thomas, as a school nurse consultant, for the 2007-2008 school year, per diem basis at a rate of $200 per day, effective October 10, 2007 through June 30, 2008.
HR08-25. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to accept the following resignations effective October 11, 2007:
Margaret Russo Grade 8th Language Arts Teacher,
Khaled M. Elalfi Food Service Coordinator
Eloise L. Smith Food Service Staff
HR08-26. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to accept the termination of Eric Cinotti, US Army Cadet Program Advisor, effective October 01, 2007.
HR08-27. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person for the following job description (Descriptions forwarded to Trustees via e-mail).
Teacher’s Aide
HR08-28. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve Maternity/Childcare Leave for Fatma Anar, Middle School Counselor, from December 01, 2007 to September 01, 2008.
HR08-29. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person for Mentor payment plan as follows: The mentors will be paid in full by PCSST from the novice teachers. The payment for the 20 Day Mentoring will be made on December 15 and the 30 Week Mentoring payments will be made on May 15.
HR08-30. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that PCSST Board of Trustees approves of payroll deductions on behalf of the teaching staff members in the novice teachers program to pay their Mentor Fees. The total fee of 20 Day Mentoring ($450) will be deducted starting in November through December 2007 and the total fee of 30 Week Mentoring Program($550) will be deducted over five (5) months period staring in January, 2008 through May, 2008.
HR08-31. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to appoint Ernie Hernandez, as a teacher’s aide/US Army Cadet Program Advisor, on an emergent basis for a period not to exceed three months, pending completion of a criminal history records check, for the 2007-2008 school year, at a yearly salary of $16,000 (5 days/wk, 3 hr/day), effective upon receipt of emergent hire approval through June 30, 2008.
HR08-32. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to appoint Michael E. Castro Godine, as a night custodian, on an emergent basis for a period not to exceed three months, pending completion of a criminal history records check, at a yearly salary of $12,000 (5 hr/day), without health benefits, effective upon receipt of emergent hire approval through June 30, 2008.
HR08-33. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to appoint Thomas Page, as a teacher’s aide, on an emergent basis for a period not to exceed three months, pending completion of a criminal history records check, for the
2007/2008 school year, at a yearly salary of $30,700(Asst.IV/7), with health benefits, effective upon receipt of emergent hire approval through June 30, 2008.
Discussion: Mr. Ayhan was asked to provide the list of employees relative to the completion of criminal history records check on a monthly basis.
HR08-34. To approve the recommendation of the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (NJDOE) and approve the Corrective Action Plan to remediate the findings as per attached Tab HR34-08 (Relative to Criminal History Review Process)
Roll call for items HR08-23 through HR08-34
Mr. Toklu
Mr. Nelson
Mrs. James-Bailey
Mr. Ari
Mr. Oncul
Mrs. Castillo
Mr. Ozlu
Mr. Aydin
The motion PASSED.
School Resources
Motion by Mr. Ozlu, seconded by Mr. Aydin, to approve the following agenda items #SR-11 through #SR-20 :
SR08-11. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve the first reading of the Policies, entitled, Family Leave and Uncompensated Leave.
SR08-12. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person Civil Union Resolution as per attached TAB SR08-12.1
SR08-13. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve revised Maternity/Childcare Leave Clause in the Personnel Handbook.
SR08-14. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve revised Staff Dress Code Clause in the Personnel Handbook (Staff Dress Code forwarded to Trustees via e-mail)
SR08-15. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to accept funds for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA-B) FY 2008 in the amount of $80,051.
SR08-16. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to award a contract to Nationwide Building Co., Montvale, New Jersey, the lowest quote taken for labor and equipment associated with cafeteria&gym bathrooms repair and mop sinks installation in the amount of $6,000.
SR08-17. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve a payment for Mr. Taz Ozdemir, Technology & Assessment Coordinator, associated with software developing service for Staff Time Keeping System in the amount of $1,500.
SR08-18. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve a travel reimbursement for Mrs. Alia Attyah, ESL Teacher, in the amount of $94.29.
SR08-19. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person following resolution:
WHEREAS, both the A148 Report of the Secretary and the A149 Report of the Treasurer of School Moneys are in agreement with the cash balance in the Governmental Funds of: $166,319.80 as of September 30, 2007;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Report of the Secretary and the Report of the Treasurer of School Moneys be accepted. (Reports forwarded to Trustees via e-mail)
SR08-20. To approve the recommendation of the Lead Person to approve the List of Bills for the period ending October 26, 2007 in the amount of $261,050.95 (Bill List forwarded to Trustees via e-mail)
Roll call for items SR08-11 through SR08-20
Mr. Toklu
Mr. Nelson
Mrs. James-Bailey
Mr. Ari
Mr. Oncul
Mrs. Castillo
Mr. Ozlu
Mr. Aydin
The motion PASSED.
Public Comment on Any Topic
Motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Oncul, to open the public comment session.
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Toklu asked for members of the public wishing to speak on items listed on any topic. Seeing none, Mr. Oncul moved, seconded by Mr. Ozlu, to close the public comment session.
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Old Business
Board Committee Study of Board Re-structuring
Moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Oncul to accept the following recommendations of the Committee to amend the Charter and the by-laws with respect to board membership effective November 1, 2007.
(i). To remove teacher rep position
(ii). To remove student rep position
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Board Vacancy – (Press release forwarded to Trustees via e-mail)
The Board had a discussion over reducing the size of the board membership including number of voting members. Until receiving clarification from NJDOE, the press release regarding current board vacancy will stay on hold.
One-Day Orientation Conference Schedule
Mr. Anar stated that there is still a newly elected board member who has not signed up for a mandatory training workshop which will be held on November 17, 2007.
New Business
There was no new business.
Executive Session
Motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Oncul to adjourn into Executive Session at 9:24 p.m. in accordance with the Sunshine Law, Chapter 321, P.L. 1975, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Oncul to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 pm
Roll Call: All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Matt A. Anar
Board Secretary/Business Administrator