If You Ever Need Help With Your Visa or Green Card -- Contact The "Brothers."
What's of interest in this email, as well as in many others that will soon be posted, is that the Directors' names are always that of Turkish men. Seems it is just easier to hire Turkish men to run the schools or otherwise they would have to speak English (that's a novel thought in American, federally and stated funded schools), and/or address a woman (Allah forbid). And you have to appreciate the constant reference to "brothers," after all, they are just a bunch of guys out on a mission to spread Gulen's "love and peace to all" philosophy.
And make sure you contact Brother Mustafa at his email address below if you need help with your green card application or visa (not the credit card one).
English Translation of original Turkish email
Dear Friends,
Many of our schools have started working with new lawyers and we have got new visas and we have applied to green cards through new lawyers. Some of our friends still need to get some documents from the office at Chicago or they need to work with Nuzhet.
Whoever needs to get documents from the Chicago office or who needs to work with Nuzhet or who needs help about anything has to get help from "Mustafa Genc" brother.
Mustafa Brother stays at the Concept at scheduled times in a week and he can help you. His contact information is below:
Original Turkish Version
From: [email protected] on behalf of Ali Uslu [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:06 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; 'Murat Arabaci'; 'Mehmet Latif Uzunel'; [email protected]; 'Yunus Uslu'; 'Serkan Merd'; 'Kuwat'; 'Ozgur Balsoy'; 'M.Baris KARABULUT'
Subject: [directors] Vize isleri!
Saygideger Arkadaslar,
Bircok okulumuz yeni avukatlarla calismaya basladi ve yeni vizeler oralardan alindi veya green kart basvurulari yapildi.
Ancak halen bazi arkadaslar Chicago’daki ofisten evrak ihtiyaci duyabiliyor veya Nuzhet ile calismasi gerekebiliyor.
Nuzhet ile calisanlar ve de evrak ihtiycai olanlar veya vizelerle ilgili herhangi bir konuda yardima ihtiyaci olanlar bundan sonra “Mustafa Genc” abimizden yardim alabilirler.
Mustafa bey belirli gunlerde belirli saatlerde Concept ofisinde bulunuyor ve ihtiyaclariniza cevap veriyor olacak ins.
Mustafa beyin irtibat bilgileri asagidaki gibidir.
e-mail: [email protected]