" I will not answer any questions in public"
The scene in this video could be funny if it were not for the fact that the guy, Ali, is the Director of the school, and yet he continually refuses to address and/or respond to the questions that the teachers, community residents, and parents are asking him; instead, repeatedly stating, "I will not answer any questions in public."
Hey! Did anyone tell Ali, that as the Director of a public school -- (albeit a charter school )funded with public funds -- that he is a public servant, which in turn obligates him to answer to the public upon demand?
It's not optional Ali, it comes with the job. If Ali wants to be the Director, then Ali needs to be a big boy and "Direct." And directing a school is not like Gulen directing -- it's actually a give and take situation, requiring both parties to act together in good faith.
Remember those people standing in the crowd? Well, we are going to venture that everyone of them is actually helping to pay for Ali to be the "Director," and whatever ensuing "expenses," his title allows for.
So if he cannot stand the heat (that means answer the questions Ali), then he should resign and walk away, because we guarantee that there is a qualified American educator standing in the wings waiting for the opportunity to "direct" the school, which means listening to the public.