Lawmaker versus follower -- Original Turkish Version (English translations below)

It always cracks us up when one of the guys has a "light-bulb" moment and figures out that he is just a "follower," and has basically given up all of his rights to being an "individual." Sorry guys, but that's what happens when you join a cult and give up your money, free will, and decision - making processes.
Now this guy, Mr. H. (as he is commonly referred to), appears to be asking for fake paychecks from a school in Dayton that he has not been working at to submit as proof of employment in his Green Card application. At the time of his application, he was working at one of their "brother" schools in Cleveland (see "Pizza Guys").
And the response from his "brother" Sagnak (also a known Green Card fibber -- see "Man, Hate it When This Happens" ), is that he will bring him what he needs at the regional meeting "on Sunday."
What is truly fascinating to us is that it is our tax dollars (school funding monies) that are paying for these guys to get their Green Cards (and in the process our jobs),and he is whining about the "stage director," telling him what to do.
Hey, guy, guess what -- you are lying to the government about your position. location, experience, and pay -- and you expect us to feel sympathy for you. Oh! That's right, the Americans were never supposed to see this information anyway, were they?
Presumably, Karen is an attorney or legal assistant working on his case. If she is, our tax dollars are paying for her services too.
And note once again how the request for information to bring to the "directors' meeting" is in Turkish -- which means one of two things -- either the American directors speak Turkish or there are no American directors (we'll wager on the latter choice).
Now this guy, Mr. H. (as he is commonly referred to), appears to be asking for fake paychecks from a school in Dayton that he has not been working at to submit as proof of employment in his Green Card application. At the time of his application, he was working at one of their "brother" schools in Cleveland (see "Pizza Guys").
And the response from his "brother" Sagnak (also a known Green Card fibber -- see "Man, Hate it When This Happens" ), is that he will bring him what he needs at the regional meeting "on Sunday."
What is truly fascinating to us is that it is our tax dollars (school funding monies) that are paying for these guys to get their Green Cards (and in the process our jobs),and he is whining about the "stage director," telling him what to do.
Hey, guy, guess what -- you are lying to the government about your position. location, experience, and pay -- and you expect us to feel sympathy for you. Oh! That's right, the Americans were never supposed to see this information anyway, were they?
Presumably, Karen is an attorney or legal assistant working on his case. If she is, our tax dollars are paying for her services too.
And note once again how the request for information to bring to the "directors' meeting" is in Turkish -- which means one of two things -- either the American directors speak Turkish or there are no American directors (we'll wager on the latter choice).
Email with English Translations (1)

This is the page where the whiner is complaining about the "lawmakers telling the followers" what to do. It is also where he requests the fake paychecks for his Green Card.
English Translation (Page 2)

Note -- again -- the reference to Directors in Turkish.
We know a few words in Turkish, like "güle güle"-- which means good-bye. When you guys get finished fleecing us, let us know and maybe our tax dollars can help pay to deport you instead of paying for your fake Green Card applications.
We know a few words in Turkish, like "güle güle"-- which means good-bye. When you guys get finished fleecing us, let us know and maybe our tax dollars can help pay to deport you instead of paying for your fake Green Card applications.