California is home to a growing conglomeration of Gulen -affiliated schools – a group with an ambitious expansion plan.
On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, the Fremont School District school board members will vote on whether or not to allow Magnolia Charter Schools to expand into Fremont, California. But there’s increasing opposition to Magnolia’s expansion plans both in Northern and Southern California, with an increasing number of cynics and critics coming forward to speak at board meetings in an attempt to thwart Magnolia’s growth plans.
Interestingly enough, the Republic of Turkey has thrown its hat in the ring through its hiring of the Robert Amsterdam Law Firm. Amsterdam’s attorneys have been showing up at California board meetings as a means to “educate” the public and the school boards on the Gulen Movement and how the Movement’s influence impacts the 130 - plus United States’ tax funded Gulenist managed schools.
Last week, attorney John Martin, of Amsterdam’s firm, spoke to the Fremont District School Board. Preceding Mr. Martin’s speech, Magnolia CEO, Caprice Young, attempted to discredit Mr. Martin before he even had a chance to speak, -- a typical Gulenist tactic – a preemptive move to discredit the credible. Young told the Board that Martin was part of the Amsterdam and Partners law firm that had been hired by the Turkish government – so….
What Young should be asking is why the Turkish government instead of the United States government -- is warning the American tax payers about the illegal activities that the Gulenists are perpetuating in our schools -- instead of trying to shoot the messenger.
It’s the same circular dance, it’s like being caught up in a Whirling Dervishes' performance. The Gulenists keep spinning and spinning their Gulen Movement religious affiliation denials, trying to divert attention away from the truth -- the reality of what really is.
If you’ve ever watched the Whirling Dervishes, you’ll find that after a while you have to divert your eyes at some point during the performance to keep from getting dizzy. It’s pretty much the same concept with the Gulenists, you just keep watching their performances –staring glassy-eyed as they draw you further and further away from the factual truth, getting sucked into their continuous state of denial. You find yourself spinning and spinning around inside their lies -- until– finally – the truth smashes through their dance of deception and smacks you back to reality.
Like the Whirling Dervishes, team Amsterdam seems to be gaining increasing momentum over the United States- based Gulenists and their plans to expand their educational empire. And kudos to the Turkish government for doing something that the United States’ government has failed to do for over 15 years.
If the Turkish government wants to throw their money at lawyers to defeat the Gulenists, then let them throw bucket loads of cash at them. The money that the Turkish government is paying the Amsterdam Law Firm pales in comparison to the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Gulenists have managed to pull out of the United States tax-funded charter schools to further their own personal financial and religious agendas; all to the cost of American educators, students, and tax payers.
So carry on Amsterdam and Partners.
As Notre Dame's Coach Knute Rockne once said, “Tell them to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper.”
Below is a link to a related story, written by Rebecca Parr, and published in the San Jose Mercury News on January 25, 2016:
On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, the Fremont School District school board members will vote on whether or not to allow Magnolia Charter Schools to expand into Fremont, California. But there’s increasing opposition to Magnolia’s expansion plans both in Northern and Southern California, with an increasing number of cynics and critics coming forward to speak at board meetings in an attempt to thwart Magnolia’s growth plans.
Interestingly enough, the Republic of Turkey has thrown its hat in the ring through its hiring of the Robert Amsterdam Law Firm. Amsterdam’s attorneys have been showing up at California board meetings as a means to “educate” the public and the school boards on the Gulen Movement and how the Movement’s influence impacts the 130 - plus United States’ tax funded Gulenist managed schools.
Last week, attorney John Martin, of Amsterdam’s firm, spoke to the Fremont District School Board. Preceding Mr. Martin’s speech, Magnolia CEO, Caprice Young, attempted to discredit Mr. Martin before he even had a chance to speak, -- a typical Gulenist tactic – a preemptive move to discredit the credible. Young told the Board that Martin was part of the Amsterdam and Partners law firm that had been hired by the Turkish government – so….
What Young should be asking is why the Turkish government instead of the United States government -- is warning the American tax payers about the illegal activities that the Gulenists are perpetuating in our schools -- instead of trying to shoot the messenger.
It’s the same circular dance, it’s like being caught up in a Whirling Dervishes' performance. The Gulenists keep spinning and spinning their Gulen Movement religious affiliation denials, trying to divert attention away from the truth -- the reality of what really is.
If you’ve ever watched the Whirling Dervishes, you’ll find that after a while you have to divert your eyes at some point during the performance to keep from getting dizzy. It’s pretty much the same concept with the Gulenists, you just keep watching their performances –staring glassy-eyed as they draw you further and further away from the factual truth, getting sucked into their continuous state of denial. You find yourself spinning and spinning around inside their lies -- until– finally – the truth smashes through their dance of deception and smacks you back to reality.
Like the Whirling Dervishes, team Amsterdam seems to be gaining increasing momentum over the United States- based Gulenists and their plans to expand their educational empire. And kudos to the Turkish government for doing something that the United States’ government has failed to do for over 15 years.
If the Turkish government wants to throw their money at lawyers to defeat the Gulenists, then let them throw bucket loads of cash at them. The money that the Turkish government is paying the Amsterdam Law Firm pales in comparison to the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Gulenists have managed to pull out of the United States tax-funded charter schools to further their own personal financial and religious agendas; all to the cost of American educators, students, and tax payers.
So carry on Amsterdam and Partners.
As Notre Dame's Coach Knute Rockne once said, “Tell them to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper.”
Below is a link to a related story, written by Rebecca Parr, and published in the San Jose Mercury News on January 25, 2016: