Double Standards
Is there a double standard here? It seems that it's okay for the Turkish/International administrators and teachers to either have a "substitute license," or no license; but the American teachers (at least the majority of them) have professional licenses. And yet, they cannot seem to get into Director or Dean of Academics positions...why is that?
And we will bet that the Turkish guys are getting more money (at least on paper), because they are over here on H1B visas and have to be paid the prevailing wage, which is usually higher than the American teacher' salaries.
Here's a suggestion, because charter schools receive public funding, teachers and the public have a right to ask how much the teachers and administrators earn; so request the salary information under the public documents laws and compare salaries.
And you would think that a guy that makes about $70,000, like Engin Karatas aka Blackstone does, could get a professional license instead of a 1-year Alternative Administrative license? He used to be the Dean of Academics at Horizon Denison and did not have any type of license.
The license information was taken from the Ohio Department of Education website on May 12, 2010.
And we will bet that the Turkish guys are getting more money (at least on paper), because they are over here on H1B visas and have to be paid the prevailing wage, which is usually higher than the American teacher' salaries.
Here's a suggestion, because charter schools receive public funding, teachers and the public have a right to ask how much the teachers and administrators earn; so request the salary information under the public documents laws and compare salaries.
And you would think that a guy that makes about $70,000, like Engin Karatas aka Blackstone does, could get a professional license instead of a 1-year Alternative Administrative license? He used to be the Dean of Academics at Horizon Denison and did not have any type of license.
The license information was taken from the Ohio Department of Education website on May 12, 2010.
Anyone see a pattern here?
Horizon Science Academy Toledo High School
Staff Name Position License Information
Engin Blackstone (aka Karatas) Director 1-year Alternative License
Carnel Smith Dean of Students Expired Long-term substitute
Anna Gentle Teacher Professional License
Mandi DeWulf Teacher Professional License
Khlood Ftaiha Teacher No license
Steve Annesser Teacher Professional License
Lynne Strahl Teacher Professional License
Harold Strahm Teacher Professional License
Esther Mossing Teacher Professional License
Leslie Kurd Teacher No license
Ihsahn Ozulas Teacher No license
Mehmet Iimammedow Teacher No license
Nancy Sirianni Teacher Professional License
Rachel Snyder Teacher Professional License
Nicole Lovell Teacher No license
Anthony Streetar Teacher No license
Vivian Mills Teacher 1-year long-term substitute
Amy Converse Teacher Professional License
TaihaYilmaz Teacher No license
Ibrahim Onbasi Teacher Long-term substitute license
Amy Ewing Teacher Professional License
Nikola Spavic Teacher Professional License
Jackie Burns Teacher 1-year long-term substitute
Tonya Schauwecker Teacher Professional License
Rebecca Dinwoodie Teacher 2-year provisional
Kasim Ak Teacher Long-term substitute
Ismail Savruk Teacher Long-term substitute
Staff Name Position License Information
Engin Blackstone (aka Karatas) Director 1-year Alternative License
Carnel Smith Dean of Students Expired Long-term substitute
Anna Gentle Teacher Professional License
Mandi DeWulf Teacher Professional License
Khlood Ftaiha Teacher No license
Steve Annesser Teacher Professional License
Lynne Strahl Teacher Professional License
Harold Strahm Teacher Professional License
Esther Mossing Teacher Professional License
Leslie Kurd Teacher No license
Ihsahn Ozulas Teacher No license
Mehmet Iimammedow Teacher No license
Nancy Sirianni Teacher Professional License
Rachel Snyder Teacher Professional License
Nicole Lovell Teacher No license
Anthony Streetar Teacher No license
Vivian Mills Teacher 1-year long-term substitute
Amy Converse Teacher Professional License
TaihaYilmaz Teacher No license
Ibrahim Onbasi Teacher Long-term substitute license
Amy Ewing Teacher Professional License
Nikola Spavic Teacher Professional License
Jackie Burns Teacher 1-year long-term substitute
Tonya Schauwecker Teacher Professional License
Rebecca Dinwoodie Teacher 2-year provisional
Kasim Ak Teacher Long-term substitute
Ismail Savruk Teacher Long-term substitute