Gee whiz, just when we started to believe that all of those shark and lawyer analogy jokes were a bit unfair, along came a Youtube posting that only reaffirmed our belief that way too many lawyers are out for the kill, and American workers are far too often used as bait to dangle from their hooks.
Specifically, we came across a Youtube video that was posted by “nremlen-tren” that depicted one of the most appalling examples of skirting the H1-B visa and green card immigration laws to date. Not only were the representatives of the law firm in the video flaunting their abuse of the immigration laws, they were almost giddy about the fact that they could and did.
In the video, the main speaker at the conference, a guy by the name of Lawrence Lebowitz of the law firm, Cohen and Grigsby, stated, “Our goal is to not find any qualified or interested US workers, it sounds funny what we’re really doing here… but our job is to get this person a green card .”(Oh! Yeah! Lebowitz – it’s so funny that Americans are laughing themselves sick on the way to unemployment lines).
Lebowitz then turned the microphone over to the human relations specialist, Jen Pack, who told the audience that “They do not have to interview all of the resumes received,” but instead only the ones that look “interesting.” She further informed the crowd that for legal purposes they only had to post an internal notice (with the salary), place a newspaper advertisement two times, and post a third ad on some other media site.
Note that the salary being offered (usually at a much higher prevailing wage) does not have to be advertised anywhere other than the internal (bulletin board) posting. If it were posted elsewhere, it would be a certainty that the rate of American applications would increase, causing the interviewers to maybe – just maybe – have to qualify the potentially disqualified American applicants instead of the lesser qualified H1-B/green card applicants (did we lose you here?)
Pack continued to explain that the company manager (the interviewer) could find many ways to “disqualify” the qualified and interested American applicants in lieu of the sponsored green card applicant.
Holy pancakes Batman! Are we still living in the United States or did we get sucked into some kind of alternative immigration fraud universe that allows foreign workers to take American jobs with the assistance of conniving and willing American accomplices (that would be the lawyers)?
We have to tell you, our jaws dropped when we watched this video tape. It was more entertaining than watching Blackstone deny his affiliation with Gulen, or Ucan denying that there was an active ongoing federal investigation into the Gulen-inspired schools, or waiting for Gulen to come out of his room and sit in his magical chair of wisdom.
Okay, we digressed somewhat, so back to the sneaky lawyer and his human resources patsy – both of whom happily relayed the ways to not hire Americans so that that the foreign applicants could take United States’ jobs and become permanent residents.
Hey, we have no problem with foreign immigration as long as it is not at the expense of qualified and willing- to - work American workers.
So let’s review – our government has mainstreamed the process for immigration fraud by allowing little if any oversight when it comes to actually advertising, interviewing, and hiring qualified American workers instead of foreign nationals who could be (if anyone actually took the time to investigate) far less qualified than their American counterparts.
Now we know why the boys are so adept at importing their fellow Gulenites, they have guys like Lebowitz encouraging them to “disqualify” American applicants.
Here’s our solution – insist that the government officials revamp the existing immigration laws and require that before any foreign nationals be allowed to work on H1-B visas or green cards that the hiring process include an independent panel (one not associated with law firms or the hiring entity itself) to review applicants for the advertised position.
We suspect that if those safeguards were in place that there would be a dramatic increase of “qualified and interested” American hires.
Below is the Youtube website and a lawyer joke to tie up the shark/lawyer reference: