Will the Real Dean of Academics Please Stand Up?
Gosh, we really hate it when we can't remember our job title, how about you? Now this poor guy cannot figure out who he wants to be on his green card application. But what is more pathetic, our government let him get away with submitting his "split personality" application, giving him a green card. Here's a small sampling of this amnesiac guy's deposition testimony.
He cannot figure out if he is the Dean of Academics or the Director -- guess it's because he is so good at both and there are no Americans that are capable of filling those positions (at least for purposes of immigration fraud). He's having a hard time keeping his identities straight.
We heard that he was exiled to Turkey, but is expected to come to the United States in June. That might be a great time for the Immigration and Naturalization Services to have a little "welcome home" chat with him. Maybe they can clear up his "identity crisis."