This Disgusting Country
Ouch! This is going to hurt!
Send Him Home!
Gulen's $50 Billion Empire
Tuzuk - A Contract to Steal
Tuzuk in Turkish (Original Version 2005)
Shysters and Politicians -- One and the Same?
Friends and Visas
Be the Elephant
Playing Favorites
The Train Left the Station
Pyramid Scam
Even the Italians Know
The Beauty of the 1st Amendment
200 Million -- Oh! My!
Let's Toss a Coin!
Slick Willie...
Tell Us How You Really Feel
The King is Naked
Loophole Expansion
The Turkish Bank of America
Virginia is for Lovers
Budget Blues or Baloney?
Politicians, Propaganda, and Payback
Rocky Mountain Low
Sign an Affidavit
For the Record -- Again
Foot and Mouth Disease
Truebright's Truth?
And Like a Phoenix -- They Rise
Muggy in Montgomery
Just in Case You Missed it
Gee, There They Go Again
3rd Year Anniversary
Tell Us Again
Get Your Head Out of the Sand
"Are You Listening?"
Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words...
The Beauty of Brainwashing
The Map of Gulen
Monkeys at the Saylorsburg Zoo
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Case of the Lopsided Turk
67% and 100%
Death of Salesman
The Texas Trade Mission
As the Breeze Blows
Something Smells Fishy (Balik)
Bored with the Board
Bullies Beware
Standing Tall (uzun boylu)
It Only Takes a Calculator and a Turkish Man
The Turkish Import System
Who Are These Guys?
The Tax Man Cometh
Fact Versus Fiction
A Spider in the Boot
53,000 Bucks in Immigration Fees - Oh! My!
Dancing the Texas Two-Step
The Annual Mating Ritual
Buckeye Hunting...
How to Get a Turkish Teaching License
TheBrief - FETO
Can I Have Some Cheese with that Baloney?
Lies, Lies, and More Lies
Perimeter Primate Proof Perfect
Moving, Moving, Moving....
What a Novel Thought!
Another "Situation" in New Jersey
Only 123 Left to Go
Wag the Dog
The Miracle at Mayo
The Treasure Trove
Trapping a Fleeing Rat
Armchair Analysis
Just a Poor Guy on a Mission
Conveniently Deaf and Dumb
The Starting Point
No, No, No
A Rare Breed -- Indeed --The American on the Board
It Must be Kismet -- Oops -- We Mean Hizmet
And They Finally Said, "No!"
The Gentleman in Pennsylvania
Wiki Leaks Gulen's Agenda
The Feds are Marching In
Shout and Roar!
Christmas in July
Cut and Paste -- Gulen Style
Twirling and Whirling with American Tax Dollars
Dear Friends,
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Soap on a Rope
Seeking Turkish Teachers...
What Would Sam Walton Say?
A Terrorist Living in Pennsylvania?
If I Were a Gambler
Just Drink the Tea Ellison
Changing Grades Faster than Underpants
A Special Thanks
Turkish Teachers --"Substituting" Qualifications
What are they Hiding?
Oops -- Guess he forgot this one
The Illinois Grifters
Pass the Motion
Rock Dwellers
Engineering the Loudon Express
Chicago Charlatans
Searching for an English Teacher...
When 839 = $3,038,019
You are Cordially Invited to an Audit
Chicago - Chicago...
He Sure Sobs a Lot!
Is Blackstone Legally Blackstone?
Pass the Brownies Arne
The Challenge of the Empty Interview
"Has Tir"
Welcome Back Mr. Sagnak
The Mountain is Moving
Are the Conditions Ripe?
From the Land of Oz
Political Pandering
Junket Mania
Identity Crisis --- Continued
Abandoning a Sinking Ship
Cheers to Ten Years!
Oh! Where or Where Did He Go?
Still Want to Deny the Gulen Connection?
Palm-Greasing and Gold-Panning
Gee Guys, Where's the Money Going?
Gulen's Egg Theory
Prayer Rooms in Public School Buildings
Fantastic Diet Mr. Yildiz ...
The Affiliation Scam
An Open Letter to Turkish President Erdogan
Let's Change the Rules
Best Bud with the Gulenists
Lone Star Mystery
The Honey Pot
Wanted - Former Gulen Inspired Charter School Teachers!
And That's What Brothers Are For...
In Defense of Erdogan
Hip - Hopscotch...
Just Answer the Question!
One Way Ticket Home
See Sam Squirm
Sam I Am
Lie, Apply, Deny, and Move
Skimmers and Scammers
A Half a Billion Dollars!
Lead-laden Asses
Feels Like Home
Losing Blood?
Not So Zen
"Frogs in the Kettle, Waiting to be Boiled"
Loophole R Us
Game Over
The Tenth Round
In the Ring -- Erdogan vs. Gulen
Our Turkish "Family"
Pawns R' Us
Also Known As (AKA)
Funny Thing About Evidence
Hand Over the Files Boys!
Identity Crises -- Part 2
Here's What I Know
Makes One Wonder
Gender Confusion
Nothing to Worry About...
Holy Toledo!
Bonus Points -- And the Winner Is...
Now What Do We Do?
Man, Hate It When This Happens...
The Pizza Guys
Let's Just Change the Board Minutes
And They Said It Wasn't So...
Ticket to Ankara
Shut Them Down
A Hat in the Ring
Trouble is Brewing
Oops -- Caught Again!
Movie Night
The Case of the Missing Laptop
Tandem Decisions
Extending Its Reach
Pie Charts Are Pretty Groovy
The Lone Ranger
Strike Two
Tit for Tat
Sitting Duck
Suffer the Innocent
Oh! The Troubles They've Seen
More Disgruntled Employees?
Ohio Movie Premiere
Not So Sweet Magnolias in Los Angeles
A Tangled Web They Weave...
Georgia's a Peach
Running for Cover
Fetullah's Grand Ambition
Soon They Will Fall
Corny but True
Playing Ball for Jesus with US Tax dollars
He Said -- She Said
Let the Games Begin...
But They're Such Nice Guys!
Think This is Made Up Too?
Calling All Auditors!
Save the Date -- Again
Bad Boys -- Again
Give Us Back our Cheese
News at 11
Discrimination 101
Stage Fright
Telling a Fib...
A Solution or a Crime?
Hide and Seek Turkish Style
The Double Standard
Ahoy Mateys!
Maine Monkey Business
Hey, Can You Loan Us Some Money Too?
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are...
How the Turks are Helping
Power Point and Graphs -- Oh Boy!
Where O' Where Did the Teachers Go?
Under the Influence
More Money, More Money...
Don't Shoot the Messenger -- Again
Tracking Criminals
Closed for Business -- and Brainwashing!
They Say -- Go Away
Cub Reporting
Bon Voyage Gulen!
And They're Out!
Front and Center
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Busing Bozos
Party in Pennsylvania
Swinging Towards Denial
Eviction 101
Security Sleuths
Turkish Fiction Writing 101
And You Get to Work More Too!
Deny, Deny, Deny -- Quack, Quack, Quack!
Boiling Frogs -- Again
That's Quite a Bonus
Who Are These People?
Unmasking Liberty
Pass the Pie Please!
Who's Watching You?
Hands in the Cookie Jar
Whistleblowing 101
Mississippi Mojo
Hoosier Hucksters
Chirp -- Chirp!
Chowder and Chumps
200 Sheep!
Minnesota Mischief
Michigan Malarkey
Rubberstamping Education
Enough is Enough!
Where's Homeland Security?
He's Crying the Blues -- Again
Great Pick!
Aloha! Gulen
And They Say It Isn't So
Battleground Virginia
Party at Gulen's Compound
The Sharks Are Circling
American Teachers
Sequel to American Teachers
Hush Money
Bad Girl
Bad Girl 2 -- The Finale
Part 3 of the Trilogy
Rumor Has It
Boo-Hoo Boys
Turkish Camp
When the EEOC Discriminates
And the Plot Thickens...
But They're Such Nice Guys!
Pesky Teachers
We Smell a Rat
Reproducing Faster than Rabbits
Now You're Okay Oklahoma!
Hoosier Hooligans
Adding Insult to Injury
Crazy About Oklahoma
Before You Vote...
Call to Action
Not Okay Oklahoma!
Now This School Had Issues...
Let the Sunshine In
Stop Them in Their Tracks
Look What a Plate Will Buy
$40,000 is Not Enough
Pleading the Fifth, Sort of...
They Are Not as Smart
Knock-Knock, Who's There?
More News -- Same Story
Who Are We?
Something Else is Erupting in Hawaii
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
It's What They Do Best
Teachers with Guns
Beware of the Dragon
Security or Lawyers?
When to Draw the Line
Scholarly Advice
No Free Speech in Turkey
The Ticking Time Bomb
Gulen's a Busy Guy
What's Good for the Goose...
The Book is Out
The Teachers Are Catching On...
He Doesn't Read the US News?
And More School Stories...
"School of Choice?"
Compare and Contrast
Is Anyone Reading This Stuff?
Taking on the Boys
Where Were the Turks?
And That's What We're Talking About!
Beehive Buzz
Higher Quality
Bring It On Boys
Parents and Teachers Speak Out
Tulips and Turks
What Are Fethullahcis?
I Love it When I'm Right!
As Long as They Wear Scarves
Follow Us On Twitter
And They Come Bearing Gifts
Another Viewpoint on Gulen's Motives
Gulen's Puppets
Sauerkraut and Gulen...
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Charter School Watchdog
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