This blog is chocked full of information and may seem somewhat convoluted at times, but stay with us because it has some really good stuff.
Part 1 of Identity Crisis (from a previous blog on this site), features Murat Sagnak, the sometimes Director, sometimes Dean of Academics.
But part 2 chronicles the identity crisis of a few more players at Horizon Science Academy Denison, Hasan Akkaya and Lynda Galloway (see "That's Quite a Bonus" ), in addition to Sagnak.
Looking back at the Board minutes from November 12, 2008, under Item # 4 on the Agenda, it seems that Galloway was given $2,000.00 "To prepare science projects, organize the school science fair, and participate in other science fairs like NEOSEF and CONSEF," for the 2008-09 school year.
Okay, that might make sense if not for the fact that Hasan Akkaya was hired to be the Science Department Head (at least that's what he applied for under his green card application). So if Galloway was doing his job, what was Akkaya being paid for?
Now one might argue that the two jobs are separate and distinct, maybe -- but on May 9, 2008, Galloway sent an email to Mr. Sagnak and Mary Addi, stating "As the science department head..", she continues in another paragraph again reiterating her science department head status, "Due to my teaching schedule, department head..." (The email in its entirety can be found below).
Now that is so weird, because on February 12, 2008, Siobhan Barnett (one of the famous emailers from our Trilogy series), signed off on an "Internal Notice," for a job advertisement for "Science Department Head" (guess they did not need the rest of the body), that was supposedly posted -- by law -- in a public place at Horizon Denison for prospective applicants.
But if Akkaya was the Science Department Chair, or Galloway (just toss a coin), then why would they need to advertise the position?
Now let's move on to Murat Sagnak --again. As stated in the first "Identity Crisis" blog, Sagnak is perpetually confused about what his position is. Sometimes -- at least according to the contract(s) that he signed with Bulent Bayaktar (that's Jennifer's husband and was the Board President in 2007), giving him the Director position for the academic years 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 (the contract can be found below).
But then something happened that kind of screwed up Sagnak's plan -- he had to become the Dean of Academics in order to qualify for his green card.
However, Sagnak had already hired Terry Marcus to be the Dean of Academics so he had a bit of a problem.
And by the way, once again Barnett signed off on an Internal Notice for the Dean of Academics position -- which just happened to be on the same day that she signed off on the Science Dept. Head listing (see below).
Meanwhile, the two boys, Sagnak and Akkaya are kind of freaking out about what they are going to do to resolve their many job titles in order to keep in compliance with the INS and their respective green card applications.
On April 14, 2008, some guy named Rishi Oza (who we believe might just be helping the guys out with their green cards), sends them a list of questions to answer for their applications, he also mentions,
"Lastly, both you and Mr. Akkaya listed on each of your resumes that you were Science Department Heads at Horizon Science Academy (6000 S. Marginal Rd.). Mr. Sagnak, you indicated that you held this position from August 2001 through August 2005, whereas Mr. Akkaya listed that he held this position from February 1, 2002 through August 2006. At this time there was some overlap, were you both Science Department Head Co-Chairs, were you at different schools or is this some strange error? Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Otherwise, as soon as you've registered, I'll be ready to file. Thanks."
Sagnak answers, "What you can do is filing Mr. Akkaya as the project coordinator for the terms I was department head. this way we do not interfer. Co-chairing is not a good idea. (Note: verbatim -- Sagnak's errors -- not ours). See the email below.
Seems that everyone wants to be a "Science Department Head, " it must be a great gig.
Back to Sagnak's job conflicts --
Flash forward to the Board Minutes from March 11, 2009. Under Item #4, "Change of Contract for Mr. Sagnak and Mr. Terry; the minutes reflect:
"Mr. Sagnak mentioned that as discussed in the previous meeting his contract needed to be changed to Dean of Academics due to his approval of his permanent residency application. He proposed to do both duties of Director and Dean of Academics until the school's tight budget gets better. Mr. Terry would be moving to Dean of Students position. Mr. Sagnak's salary is to be $78,747 and Mr. Terry's $42,000."
You read it right, $78,747.00 (by the way that happens to be the prevailing wage on his green card application -- see below). Sagnak's dual title came with a raise, increasing his salary from $56,650.00 to $78,747,00 -- all while the school was on a "tight budget."
That's amazing for a guy who did not at the time hold a graduate degree, nor any type of permanent or long-term administrator's license. Sagnak is some kind of super administrator -- holding down two administrative positions at one time.
Now what is even more interesting, is that he applied for his green card as the Dean of Academics in 2007, a full year prior to his request to change his job title from Director to Dean of Academics or "Dual Leader."
So while these two jokesters are trying to figure out what their job titles are -- there are thousands of competent and qualified American teachers and administrators that are uemployed and could have easily filled those positions (and without costing the taxpayers immigration fees).
And just to remind our readers, Sagnak is now the Director at Horizon Science Academy Dayton Downtown Campus, after successfully scamming the INS and receiving his green card. (Update on Sagnak's location, he is now a director at Gateway Science Academy of St. Louis, and his buddy Engin Blackstone (AKA Karatas) is a Superintendent for Concept Schools based out of GSA).
Part 1 of Identity Crisis (from a previous blog on this site), features Murat Sagnak, the sometimes Director, sometimes Dean of Academics.
But part 2 chronicles the identity crisis of a few more players at Horizon Science Academy Denison, Hasan Akkaya and Lynda Galloway (see "That's Quite a Bonus" ), in addition to Sagnak.
Looking back at the Board minutes from November 12, 2008, under Item # 4 on the Agenda, it seems that Galloway was given $2,000.00 "To prepare science projects, organize the school science fair, and participate in other science fairs like NEOSEF and CONSEF," for the 2008-09 school year.
Okay, that might make sense if not for the fact that Hasan Akkaya was hired to be the Science Department Head (at least that's what he applied for under his green card application). So if Galloway was doing his job, what was Akkaya being paid for?
Now one might argue that the two jobs are separate and distinct, maybe -- but on May 9, 2008, Galloway sent an email to Mr. Sagnak and Mary Addi, stating "As the science department head..", she continues in another paragraph again reiterating her science department head status, "Due to my teaching schedule, department head..." (The email in its entirety can be found below).
Now that is so weird, because on February 12, 2008, Siobhan Barnett (one of the famous emailers from our Trilogy series), signed off on an "Internal Notice," for a job advertisement for "Science Department Head" (guess they did not need the rest of the body), that was supposedly posted -- by law -- in a public place at Horizon Denison for prospective applicants.
But if Akkaya was the Science Department Chair, or Galloway (just toss a coin), then why would they need to advertise the position?
Now let's move on to Murat Sagnak --again. As stated in the first "Identity Crisis" blog, Sagnak is perpetually confused about what his position is. Sometimes -- at least according to the contract(s) that he signed with Bulent Bayaktar (that's Jennifer's husband and was the Board President in 2007), giving him the Director position for the academic years 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 (the contract can be found below).
But then something happened that kind of screwed up Sagnak's plan -- he had to become the Dean of Academics in order to qualify for his green card.
However, Sagnak had already hired Terry Marcus to be the Dean of Academics so he had a bit of a problem.
And by the way, once again Barnett signed off on an Internal Notice for the Dean of Academics position -- which just happened to be on the same day that she signed off on the Science Dept. Head listing (see below).
Meanwhile, the two boys, Sagnak and Akkaya are kind of freaking out about what they are going to do to resolve their many job titles in order to keep in compliance with the INS and their respective green card applications.
On April 14, 2008, some guy named Rishi Oza (who we believe might just be helping the guys out with their green cards), sends them a list of questions to answer for their applications, he also mentions,
"Lastly, both you and Mr. Akkaya listed on each of your resumes that you were Science Department Heads at Horizon Science Academy (6000 S. Marginal Rd.). Mr. Sagnak, you indicated that you held this position from August 2001 through August 2005, whereas Mr. Akkaya listed that he held this position from February 1, 2002 through August 2006. At this time there was some overlap, were you both Science Department Head Co-Chairs, were you at different schools or is this some strange error? Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Otherwise, as soon as you've registered, I'll be ready to file. Thanks."
Sagnak answers, "What you can do is filing Mr. Akkaya as the project coordinator for the terms I was department head. this way we do not interfer. Co-chairing is not a good idea. (Note: verbatim -- Sagnak's errors -- not ours). See the email below.
Seems that everyone wants to be a "Science Department Head, " it must be a great gig.
Back to Sagnak's job conflicts --
Flash forward to the Board Minutes from March 11, 2009. Under Item #4, "Change of Contract for Mr. Sagnak and Mr. Terry; the minutes reflect:
"Mr. Sagnak mentioned that as discussed in the previous meeting his contract needed to be changed to Dean of Academics due to his approval of his permanent residency application. He proposed to do both duties of Director and Dean of Academics until the school's tight budget gets better. Mr. Terry would be moving to Dean of Students position. Mr. Sagnak's salary is to be $78,747 and Mr. Terry's $42,000."
You read it right, $78,747.00 (by the way that happens to be the prevailing wage on his green card application -- see below). Sagnak's dual title came with a raise, increasing his salary from $56,650.00 to $78,747,00 -- all while the school was on a "tight budget."
That's amazing for a guy who did not at the time hold a graduate degree, nor any type of permanent or long-term administrator's license. Sagnak is some kind of super administrator -- holding down two administrative positions at one time.
Now what is even more interesting, is that he applied for his green card as the Dean of Academics in 2007, a full year prior to his request to change his job title from Director to Dean of Academics or "Dual Leader."
So while these two jokesters are trying to figure out what their job titles are -- there are thousands of competent and qualified American teachers and administrators that are uemployed and could have easily filled those positions (and without costing the taxpayers immigration fees).
And just to remind our readers, Sagnak is now the Director at Horizon Science Academy Dayton Downtown Campus, after successfully scamming the INS and receiving his green card. (Update on Sagnak's location, he is now a director at Gateway Science Academy of St. Louis, and his buddy Engin Blackstone (AKA Karatas) is a Superintendent for Concept Schools based out of GSA).