And take vengeance
Here's a translated excerpt from a speech that Fetullah Gulen made on November 23, 1979 in Izmir, Turkey. Keep in mind as you read it, that Gulen is the mastermind behind over 175 United States charter schools that are being run by his followers. He’s also the same “educator” that was given permanent residency in the United States and currently resides comfortably in Pennsylvania where our government gave him residency, despite being run out of Turkey by his own government.
In his speech, Gulen declares that his followers should “Become a bomb and explode against the United States, and to “Tear to pieces the heads of Non-Muslims.”
Further, Gulen promises to Allah (God) that he will take "vengeance and “Reverse the games of the United States in the next 5, 10 years.” Well, here it is 32 years later and he has kept that promise. For the past 17 years (those are how many years we know of) Gulen and his followers have successfully managed to infiltrate our educational system by subverting lax charter school laws, allowing his cronies to quietly break a multitude of laws while continuing to open and operate their charter schools (the ones the American taxpayers pay for).
And what does he mean about “Reversing the games in the United States?” We have to believe that he is not talking about soccer.
Wake up America, this is no laughing matter. We are spending billions in Iraq and Afghanistan to “fight terrorism,” but yet have no problem letting Gulen and his group of thugs run our schools and quietly spread their hidden agenda. Personally, we like our heads and do not care to have them "torn to pieces."
Maybe it’s our turn to “Shout and Roar,” and finally get our government to do something about Gulen’s boys before he continues to “Seek many vengeances” on the American people and their children.
Post script to the boys – feel free to send us any corrections on the speech translation – we would really hate to lose any of its original impact -- as intended by your leader.
The English Translation of Gulen’s Speech
Black sheep of the 20th centuries Islamic believers,
Should become a bomb and explode against the US
Should tear to pieces of head of non Muslim
Should move heaven and earth
Islamic believers must let their voices to be heard
Should shout and roar
God damn people who are silent
God damn people who do not protest
God damn parliaments who are silent.
I promise to Allah.
We will take great many vengeances on those breaking into Kabatullah (Mecca)
We will reverse the games of the US in the next 5, 10 years.
We will reverse Russia's plans to them
May Allah give us courage, We will do.
May Allah give us strength, we will do.
We will die and we will do.
We prefer to die on the world where if we cannot do it.
Turkish Version of Gulen’s Speech
23.11.1979 Bornova Merkez Camii Kabe baskını. Mürşit hakikati nefsinde yaşamalı. İslam'a ümit verici faktörler. Kabe-i muazzamaya sahip çıkma. Müeyyidat
20. asrin muminlerinin yuzkarasi
karsisinda amerika dahi olsa bomba olup patlamali basini dagitmali gavurun
yer yerinden oynamali, mumin sesini duyurmali, haykirmali ve kukremeli.
yerde Allahin evi oraya taarruz olamaz, oraya hucum olamaz
bunun karsisinda sessiz kalanlari Allah kahretsin,
bunu protesto etmeyenleri Allah kahretsin
bunun karsisinda sessiz duran parlementoyu Allah alt ust etsin
bu buyuk bir hadisedir
yerde Allah evinin taarruza ugramasi hadisesi buyuk hadisedir
bu hadise karsisinda sukut eden bu hadise karsisinda urpermeyen bir vicdanin Allahla munasebeti oldugu iddia edilemez
15 sene evvel bu istirabimi ifade etmistim
Kabe taaruza maruz kaldigi zaman sasmiyacagim
cemaatin samit infaali bana bu dersi veriyor
dinina sahip cikma isi bana bunu anlatiyor
cemaat musap istiyor musap
gunahlari karsisinda yuzunu kaciran musap
kolu kanati varken urperen titreyen
cirpinan, cirpinip duran musap istiyor
Ben sizin samimiyetinize itimat ederek, Rabbime soz veriyorum.
Kabetullahi basmanin 1000 cesit ocunu alacagiz.
Insallah iste bunu planliyana gosterecegiz.
onumuzdeki 5-10 sene icinde Amerikanin oyunlarini ters duz edecegiz.
Rusyanin planlarini baslarina cevirecegiz.
ve hayvanlari da burada yasamayip kacacaklar.
muhabbet fedaileri olarak, sevginin muessisleri olarak, insanligin kuruculari olarak biz bize dusen vazifeyi insallah yapacagiz.
Allaha soz veriyoruz. Allahim sahit ol yapacagiz. Allahim sahit ol yapacagiz. Allahim cesaret ver yapacagiz. Allahim kuvvet ver yapacagiz.Allahim ahd-i eman ver yapacagiz. Allahim bize dirlik ve duzen ver yapacagiz.Olecek ve yapacagiz.Yapamadigimiz dunyada olmeyi tercih ediyoruz.
Here are the links to the speech:
In his speech, Gulen declares that his followers should “Become a bomb and explode against the United States, and to “Tear to pieces the heads of Non-Muslims.”
Further, Gulen promises to Allah (God) that he will take "vengeance and “Reverse the games of the United States in the next 5, 10 years.” Well, here it is 32 years later and he has kept that promise. For the past 17 years (those are how many years we know of) Gulen and his followers have successfully managed to infiltrate our educational system by subverting lax charter school laws, allowing his cronies to quietly break a multitude of laws while continuing to open and operate their charter schools (the ones the American taxpayers pay for).
And what does he mean about “Reversing the games in the United States?” We have to believe that he is not talking about soccer.
Wake up America, this is no laughing matter. We are spending billions in Iraq and Afghanistan to “fight terrorism,” but yet have no problem letting Gulen and his group of thugs run our schools and quietly spread their hidden agenda. Personally, we like our heads and do not care to have them "torn to pieces."
Maybe it’s our turn to “Shout and Roar,” and finally get our government to do something about Gulen’s boys before he continues to “Seek many vengeances” on the American people and their children.
Post script to the boys – feel free to send us any corrections on the speech translation – we would really hate to lose any of its original impact -- as intended by your leader.
The English Translation of Gulen’s Speech
Black sheep of the 20th centuries Islamic believers,
Should become a bomb and explode against the US
Should tear to pieces of head of non Muslim
Should move heaven and earth
Islamic believers must let their voices to be heard
Should shout and roar
God damn people who are silent
God damn people who do not protest
God damn parliaments who are silent.
I promise to Allah.
We will take great many vengeances on those breaking into Kabatullah (Mecca)
We will reverse the games of the US in the next 5, 10 years.
We will reverse Russia's plans to them
May Allah give us courage, We will do.
May Allah give us strength, we will do.
We will die and we will do.
We prefer to die on the world where if we cannot do it.
Turkish Version of Gulen’s Speech
23.11.1979 Bornova Merkez Camii Kabe baskını. Mürşit hakikati nefsinde yaşamalı. İslam'a ümit verici faktörler. Kabe-i muazzamaya sahip çıkma. Müeyyidat
20. asrin muminlerinin yuzkarasi
karsisinda amerika dahi olsa bomba olup patlamali basini dagitmali gavurun
yer yerinden oynamali, mumin sesini duyurmali, haykirmali ve kukremeli.
yerde Allahin evi oraya taarruz olamaz, oraya hucum olamaz
bunun karsisinda sessiz kalanlari Allah kahretsin,
bunu protesto etmeyenleri Allah kahretsin
bunun karsisinda sessiz duran parlementoyu Allah alt ust etsin
bu buyuk bir hadisedir
yerde Allah evinin taarruza ugramasi hadisesi buyuk hadisedir
bu hadise karsisinda sukut eden bu hadise karsisinda urpermeyen bir vicdanin Allahla munasebeti oldugu iddia edilemez
15 sene evvel bu istirabimi ifade etmistim
Kabe taaruza maruz kaldigi zaman sasmiyacagim
cemaatin samit infaali bana bu dersi veriyor
dinina sahip cikma isi bana bunu anlatiyor
cemaat musap istiyor musap
gunahlari karsisinda yuzunu kaciran musap
kolu kanati varken urperen titreyen
cirpinan, cirpinip duran musap istiyor
Ben sizin samimiyetinize itimat ederek, Rabbime soz veriyorum.
Kabetullahi basmanin 1000 cesit ocunu alacagiz.
Insallah iste bunu planliyana gosterecegiz.
onumuzdeki 5-10 sene icinde Amerikanin oyunlarini ters duz edecegiz.
Rusyanin planlarini baslarina cevirecegiz.
ve hayvanlari da burada yasamayip kacacaklar.
muhabbet fedaileri olarak, sevginin muessisleri olarak, insanligin kuruculari olarak biz bize dusen vazifeyi insallah yapacagiz.
Allaha soz veriyoruz. Allahim sahit ol yapacagiz. Allahim sahit ol yapacagiz. Allahim cesaret ver yapacagiz. Allahim kuvvet ver yapacagiz.Allahim ahd-i eman ver yapacagiz. Allahim bize dirlik ve duzen ver yapacagiz.Olecek ve yapacagiz.Yapamadigimiz dunyada olmeyi tercih ediyoruz.
Here are the links to the speech: