So why do they want to hide / ("not state") Brother Zubeyir's association with Breeze?
We are not sure what the guys are doing here. It appears that they are trying to outfox the Internal Revenue Service with respect to their affiliation with Breeze, aka, New Plan Learning -- which happens to be a for profit real estate holding company that they boys use for their schools.
That character Bulent Bayaktar appears again and again in emails. He moves around faster than a cockroach running from an exterminator. Remember him, he served as the Board President at HSA Denison Middle School, and then his wife Jennifer took over his spot? And now he is on the Board of New Plan Learning.
But that is all easily explained by the fact that in one of their answers they state that they choose their own Board members when positions become vacant.
So be good boys and make certain that you uncross your fingers and tell the IRS the truth -- because they're like a mother -- they can always tell when you are lying. And like your mother -- you do not want to get on her bad side.
We are not sure what the guys are doing here. It appears that they are trying to outfox the Internal Revenue Service with respect to their affiliation with Breeze, aka, New Plan Learning -- which happens to be a for profit real estate holding company that they boys use for their schools.
That character Bulent Bayaktar appears again and again in emails. He moves around faster than a cockroach running from an exterminator. Remember him, he served as the Board President at HSA Denison Middle School, and then his wife Jennifer took over his spot? And now he is on the Board of New Plan Learning.
But that is all easily explained by the fact that in one of their answers they state that they choose their own Board members when positions become vacant.
So be good boys and make certain that you uncross your fingers and tell the IRS the truth -- because they're like a mother -- they can always tell when you are lying. And like your mother -- you do not want to get on her bad side.
English Translation
From:Murat Arabaci
To:'Murat Sagnak'
Cc:'Huseyin Kara'
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: IRS Responses - Board members!
Zubeyir Brother and Emrah Ayhan are the first founders of Breeze in 2000. The company was transferred to someone else without doing any filing or transaction maybe to Vedat Akgun. So, I think that we do not need to state that Zubeyir Brother has a relation with Breeze or what his relation is.
Negotiated? YES. We can write if the details were asked
Zubeyir Brother mentioned me that somebody applied/was going to apply for his name. But his name is not on any legal document. Maybe there was going to be an application for his name but it did not!!!
From: Murat Sagnak [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:17 PM
To: 'Murat Arabaci'
Subject: FW: IRS Responses - Board members!
1. It states negotiation on the 4. Items below.are we going to only say Yes, or are you going to add something?
2. I assume that there nobody has relation with breeze or concept except you and Mr. Bulent. What about Zubeyir brother?
1. Were any past officers also Directors or officers of Breeze or Concept Schools?
· Mr. Huseyin Kara served as the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between November 20, 2004 and May 24 2006. He has also been working for Concept Schools since August 1, 2006. He resigned from his board position at HSA Denison as of May 24 2006, before he started working for Concept Schools.
· Mr. Bulent Bayraktar became the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between May 24 2006 and August 06, 2007. He is also board member of New Plan Learning. New Plan Learning is sole share holder of Breeze Inc. and its 501c3 application is currently pending.
2. Please provide resumes for all of your current Board Members.
3. If a Board Member needs to be replaced, who conducts the search for a new Board Member?
Other board members.
4. Was the contract with Concept negotiated?
1. Where did the school hold its operations between February 2005 and July 2005?
In the same building. The school was paying rent to the previous owner of the building – Mr. Al Azalino.
2. Did the School incur any other costs for upgrades or repairs to the School Facility?
The school needed to install fire sprinkler system to meet the city codes.
To:'Murat Sagnak'
Cc:'Huseyin Kara'
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: IRS Responses - Board members!
Zubeyir Brother and Emrah Ayhan are the first founders of Breeze in 2000. The company was transferred to someone else without doing any filing or transaction maybe to Vedat Akgun. So, I think that we do not need to state that Zubeyir Brother has a relation with Breeze or what his relation is.
Negotiated? YES. We can write if the details were asked
Zubeyir Brother mentioned me that somebody applied/was going to apply for his name. But his name is not on any legal document. Maybe there was going to be an application for his name but it did not!!!
From: Murat Sagnak [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:17 PM
To: 'Murat Arabaci'
Subject: FW: IRS Responses - Board members!
1. It states negotiation on the 4. Items below.are we going to only say Yes, or are you going to add something?
2. I assume that there nobody has relation with breeze or concept except you and Mr. Bulent. What about Zubeyir brother?
1. Were any past officers also Directors or officers of Breeze or Concept Schools?
· Mr. Huseyin Kara served as the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between November 20, 2004 and May 24 2006. He has also been working for Concept Schools since August 1, 2006. He resigned from his board position at HSA Denison as of May 24 2006, before he started working for Concept Schools.
· Mr. Bulent Bayraktar became the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between May 24 2006 and August 06, 2007. He is also board member of New Plan Learning. New Plan Learning is sole share holder of Breeze Inc. and its 501c3 application is currently pending.
2. Please provide resumes for all of your current Board Members.
3. If a Board Member needs to be replaced, who conducts the search for a new Board Member?
Other board members.
4. Was the contract with Concept negotiated?
1. Where did the school hold its operations between February 2005 and July 2005?
In the same building. The school was paying rent to the previous owner of the building – Mr. Al Azalino.
2. Did the School incur any other costs for upgrades or repairs to the School Facility?
The school needed to install fire sprinkler system to meet the city codes.
The Original Emails
Subject: Re: IRS Responses - Board members!
From: "Huseyin Kara" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:07:51 -0600
To: "Murat Arabaci" <[email protected]>, "'Murat Sagnak'" <[email protected]>
Zubeyir Abi ve Emrah Ayhan Breeze'in ilk krurculari, taa 2000 de falan. Ama sirket hicbir islem yapmadan ve herhangi bir filing yapmadan baskalarina devredildi, belki Vedat Akgun'e olabilir. Dolaysiyla Zubeyir abinin Breeze ile ilgisi vardir, sudur diye girmeye hic gerek yok bence.
Negotiate edilmi? YES. Detaylarini sorarlarsa yazariz.
----- Original Message -----
From: Murat Arabaci
To: 'Murat Sagnak'
Cc: 'Huseyin Kara'
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: IRS Responses - Board members!
Zubeyir abi kendisi de bana bahsetmisti, benim adima basvuru yapildi/yapilacakti diye. Ancak hicbir resmi belgede ismi gecmiyor. Belki yapilacakti, vazgecildi!!!
From: Murat Sagnak [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:17 PM
To: 'Murat Arabaci'
Subject: FW: IRS Responses - Board members!
Asagidaki 4. maddede nwgotiation geciyor. sadece Yes mi diyecez, yoksam sizler birseyler 1. ekleyecekmisiniz?
2. Bulent bey ve sizden baska kimsenin breeze yada concept le iliskisi olmadigini assume ediyorum. Zubeyir abinin yokmu?
1. Were any past officers also Directors or officers of Breeze or Concept Schools?
Mr. Huseyin Kara served as the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between November 20, 2004 and May 24 2006. He has also been working for Concept Schools since August 1, 2006. He resigned from his board position at HSA Denison as of May 24 2006 before he started working for Concept Schools.
Mr. Bulent Bayraktar became the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between May 24 2006 and August 06, 2007. He is also board member of New Plan Learning. New Plan Learning is sole share holder of Breeze Inc. and its 501c3 application is currently pending.
2. Please provide resumes for all of your current Board Members.
3. If a Board Member needs to be replaced, who conducts the search for a new Board Member?
Other board members.
4. Was the contract with Concept negotiated?
1. Where did the school hold its operations between February 2005 and July 2005?
In the same building. The school was paying rent to the previous owner of the building – Mr. Al Azalino.
2. Did the School incur any other costs for upgrades or repairs to the School Facility?
The school needed to install fire sprinkler system to meet the city codes.
From: "Huseyin Kara" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:07:51 -0600
To: "Murat Arabaci" <[email protected]>, "'Murat Sagnak'" <[email protected]>
Zubeyir Abi ve Emrah Ayhan Breeze'in ilk krurculari, taa 2000 de falan. Ama sirket hicbir islem yapmadan ve herhangi bir filing yapmadan baskalarina devredildi, belki Vedat Akgun'e olabilir. Dolaysiyla Zubeyir abinin Breeze ile ilgisi vardir, sudur diye girmeye hic gerek yok bence.
Negotiate edilmi? YES. Detaylarini sorarlarsa yazariz.
----- Original Message -----
From: Murat Arabaci
To: 'Murat Sagnak'
Cc: 'Huseyin Kara'
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: IRS Responses - Board members!
Zubeyir abi kendisi de bana bahsetmisti, benim adima basvuru yapildi/yapilacakti diye. Ancak hicbir resmi belgede ismi gecmiyor. Belki yapilacakti, vazgecildi!!!
From: Murat Sagnak [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:17 PM
To: 'Murat Arabaci'
Subject: FW: IRS Responses - Board members!
Asagidaki 4. maddede nwgotiation geciyor. sadece Yes mi diyecez, yoksam sizler birseyler 1. ekleyecekmisiniz?
2. Bulent bey ve sizden baska kimsenin breeze yada concept le iliskisi olmadigini assume ediyorum. Zubeyir abinin yokmu?
1. Were any past officers also Directors or officers of Breeze or Concept Schools?
Mr. Huseyin Kara served as the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between November 20, 2004 and May 24 2006. He has also been working for Concept Schools since August 1, 2006. He resigned from his board position at HSA Denison as of May 24 2006 before he started working for Concept Schools.
Mr. Bulent Bayraktar became the treasurer of the HSA Denison Middle School Board of Education between May 24 2006 and August 06, 2007. He is also board member of New Plan Learning. New Plan Learning is sole share holder of Breeze Inc. and its 501c3 application is currently pending.
2. Please provide resumes for all of your current Board Members.
3. If a Board Member needs to be replaced, who conducts the search for a new Board Member?
Other board members.
4. Was the contract with Concept negotiated?
1. Where did the school hold its operations between February 2005 and July 2005?
In the same building. The school was paying rent to the previous owner of the building – Mr. Al Azalino.
2. Did the School incur any other costs for upgrades or repairs to the School Facility?
The school needed to install fire sprinkler system to meet the city codes.