Behaving Badly -- Part 2
There's such a treasure trove of emails from this group of "currently employed at Horizon Science Academy Denision Middle School teachers," that we wanted to share a few more.
As previously stated, the bullies -- Rohde, Hilt, Jack, Davenport/Hilt, and Tripodis are still working at Denison, despite these emails (and many more equally as disturbing), being presented to the then "Director," Murat Sagnak and the Horizon Denison School Board; and after their own hired gun, Mark White determined that they had "inappropriately" abused the school's email system.
Gee, do you think that abusing the school's email system was the the biggest crime that they committed? How about the fact that they have been bullying staff members, insulting students and parents, and flat out disrespecting anyone and everyone in authority.
By the tone of their emails, they seem to be a bit confused about what it is exactly they are supposed to be doing besides sit on their collective behinds writing each other emails. We have wonder when they had time to actually do their jobs -- like teach!
And we love the email where Jack is being requested to make copies of a student's homework assignments because he had missed class. Jack's response is to tell the kid and his parent's to "" That certainly seems like an appropriate answer for a teacher to give -- right?
It's pretty apparent that Sagnak could not handle his staff -- he must have been too busy dealing with his multiple job titles and that Green Card issue to bother with actually doing his job -- which was to ensure the safety and welfare of the children and staff (against the bullies -- and we mean the teachers and secretary, not the kids).
And note to the bullies, feel free to correct our grammar errors -- we know that you have plenty of time on your hands.
Again, copies of these emails and many more can be obtained through the EEOC under the Freedom of Information Act.
As previously stated, the bullies -- Rohde, Hilt, Jack, Davenport/Hilt, and Tripodis are still working at Denison, despite these emails (and many more equally as disturbing), being presented to the then "Director," Murat Sagnak and the Horizon Denison School Board; and after their own hired gun, Mark White determined that they had "inappropriately" abused the school's email system.
Gee, do you think that abusing the school's email system was the the biggest crime that they committed? How about the fact that they have been bullying staff members, insulting students and parents, and flat out disrespecting anyone and everyone in authority.
By the tone of their emails, they seem to be a bit confused about what it is exactly they are supposed to be doing besides sit on their collective behinds writing each other emails. We have wonder when they had time to actually do their jobs -- like teach!
And we love the email where Jack is being requested to make copies of a student's homework assignments because he had missed class. Jack's response is to tell the kid and his parent's to "" That certainly seems like an appropriate answer for a teacher to give -- right?
It's pretty apparent that Sagnak could not handle his staff -- he must have been too busy dealing with his multiple job titles and that Green Card issue to bother with actually doing his job -- which was to ensure the safety and welfare of the children and staff (against the bullies -- and we mean the teachers and secretary, not the kids).
And note to the bullies, feel free to correct our grammar errors -- we know that you have plenty of time on your hands.
Again, copies of these emails and many more can be obtained through the EEOC under the Freedom of Information Act.