And the empty sand trap
Since the inception of this website, current and former “Gulen-associated school” teachers have repeatedly contacted us regarding their collective concerns about both implied and actual implemented threats to their teacher licensure, a ploy that the boys have constantly lorded over staff members.
In the state of Ohio, it is not legally possible for the boys to request that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) suspend a charter school teacher’s license for failing to comply with contractual obligations (such as quitting after signing the contract), but in the emails below, the boys have decided that they need to “teach” the teachers a lesson of sorts -- a way to reign them in should they decide to wander away from the fold.
Despite knowing that they cannot legally pursue liquidation damage fees or get a teacher’s license suspended for quitting, Kose, a director at one of Concept schools, decides that perhaps they (the boys) should send a message to the teachers by sending the threat of liquidation damages recovery to a former Spanish teacher who actually quit before the school year started.
Now our boy Uysaler (check out “This Disgusting Country” blog) has a light bulb moment and tells the boys (again –note that the emails are all addressed to Turkish men/directors) that they should get their lawyer to lie for them (as if that’s a stretch) and send out a letter to the teacher to “terrify” him, telling him that they are going to ask the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to suspend his license for backing out on the contract.
And of course Uysaler knows that that they cannot in fact get the guy’s license suspended – but wants to mess with him anyway – simply because they can, and by means of a tax- payer paid lawyer.
Kose -- in response -- wonders if the Americans can be fooled by this intended ruse, after all -- they (the Americans), are according to Kose, “Headed for the 10th round while the boys are only starting down the road.” Now we’re not quite sure if Kose is referring to the races or golf, but either way his analogy implies that the American teachers might just be a little smarter and quicker than the boys and their devious plans.
Sedat chimes in that he has spoken with ODE officials and they have confirmed that the charter schools are exempt from the same rules about teacher licensure “yanking,” and that the boys are pretty much out of luck on that threat, so he suggests that they just pull the “liquidated damages” clause out to play and that will “screw” the teachers before they can screw them.
And remind us once again why we are dealing with these guys at all. Remind us once again why it is that we have male Turkish administrators deciding the fate of American teachers, teaching in American schools to American kids.
Below are the translated emails (translations are in italics) along with an attachment of the original email.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of kose
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:29 PM
To: 'Directors'
Subject: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee.
Muhterem Dostlar,
Spanish hocasi ile anlasma yaptik, 3-4 gundur orientation a da gelip gidiyordu. Dun ve bugun student orientation a gelmedi, aramadi, not filam da birakmadi. Az once istifa ettigini belirten bir email gondermis.
Sizce de, kontratlardaki bu maddenin ne kadar saglam oldugunu gormek icin iyi bir firsat cikmis degil mi karsimiza? Ne dersiniz, bunca is guc arasinda ugrasmaya degmez mi, yoksa iyi bir ders verelim ve ogrenme kalici mi olsun?
Slm ile,
Subject : New contracts and Liquidation Fee
Dear Friends,
We made a contract with a Spanish teacher, he was coming to the orientation for the last 3-4 days. He did not come to the student orientation today and yesterday, he did not call and he did not leave a note. He sent his letter of resignation a couple of minute ago.
Don’t you think that it is a good opportunity to test and to see how strong the item in the contract?
What do you think? Do you think it is not worth to deal with it in these lots of work or should we give him a good lesson that will be permanent?
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ryan Uysaler
Sent: 27 Aðustos 2008 Çarþamba 16:36
To: 'Directors'
Subject: RE: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
Bence avukat bir mektu gondersin. Tirsacaksa zaen hemen tirsar. Avukat mektuta bunu ODE e bildrecegiz, License siniz iptal edilebilir diye hatirlatsin…
I think that the lawyer should send a letter to him. If he is going to be terrified, he would be terrified. The lawyer should remind him that we would let ODE inform and your license can be cancelled.
--- On Wed, 8/27/08, Ozgur Balsoy <[email protected]> wrote:
From: Ozgur Balsoy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], "'Directors'" <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 5:44 PM
okullarin ogretmenlerin lisanslarini iptal yetkileri var bu gibi durumlarda, diye biliyoruz.
We know that schools can cancel teachers’ licenses in some
of these situations.
On Aug 27, 2008, at 3:58 PM, kose wrote:
Avukati da yalanimiza ortak edelim diyosun yani. J Yermi abi elemanlar, sen bu yolun basindayken onlar 10 uncu turu bindiriyolardi.
slm ile.
You are saying that let’s add the lawyer to our lies. Do you think that they will be fooled? While you were at the beginning of this road, they were finishing the 10th round, and ahead of us.
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sedat Duman <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
To: [email protected]
Evet public schoollarin 6 ay ogretmen sertifikalarini suspend ettirme hakki var. Bizzat sordum ve aldim cevabimi. Alayci bir tavirla telefonun diger tarafindaki ODE yetkilisi "Ama charter schoolarin boyle bir hakki yok, exempt oldugunuz meselelerden biri de bu" dedi. "Ogretmen istedigi zaman "Walk out" yapabilir" dedi.
Liquidation Damage ondan cok yakacak. Milletin fevarani biraz da bundan. "TAKIP" gidemeyecegim bu okula, o bana takacak seklinde..
Yes, public schools have the right to suspend a teacher’s license for 6 months. I asked personally and I got the answer. The ODE officials at the other end of the phone cynically said “But charter schools do not have a right to do this, it is one of the other issues that you are exempt from.” “Teachers can walk out anytime.”
So, the Liquidation Damages will harm a lot. It is the reason that people are upset. They won’t be able to “f..k” the school and leave because the (school) will " f..k" them.
In the state of Ohio, it is not legally possible for the boys to request that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) suspend a charter school teacher’s license for failing to comply with contractual obligations (such as quitting after signing the contract), but in the emails below, the boys have decided that they need to “teach” the teachers a lesson of sorts -- a way to reign them in should they decide to wander away from the fold.
Despite knowing that they cannot legally pursue liquidation damage fees or get a teacher’s license suspended for quitting, Kose, a director at one of Concept schools, decides that perhaps they (the boys) should send a message to the teachers by sending the threat of liquidation damages recovery to a former Spanish teacher who actually quit before the school year started.
Now our boy Uysaler (check out “This Disgusting Country” blog) has a light bulb moment and tells the boys (again –note that the emails are all addressed to Turkish men/directors) that they should get their lawyer to lie for them (as if that’s a stretch) and send out a letter to the teacher to “terrify” him, telling him that they are going to ask the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to suspend his license for backing out on the contract.
And of course Uysaler knows that that they cannot in fact get the guy’s license suspended – but wants to mess with him anyway – simply because they can, and by means of a tax- payer paid lawyer.
Kose -- in response -- wonders if the Americans can be fooled by this intended ruse, after all -- they (the Americans), are according to Kose, “Headed for the 10th round while the boys are only starting down the road.” Now we’re not quite sure if Kose is referring to the races or golf, but either way his analogy implies that the American teachers might just be a little smarter and quicker than the boys and their devious plans.
Sedat chimes in that he has spoken with ODE officials and they have confirmed that the charter schools are exempt from the same rules about teacher licensure “yanking,” and that the boys are pretty much out of luck on that threat, so he suggests that they just pull the “liquidated damages” clause out to play and that will “screw” the teachers before they can screw them.
And remind us once again why we are dealing with these guys at all. Remind us once again why it is that we have male Turkish administrators deciding the fate of American teachers, teaching in American schools to American kids.
Below are the translated emails (translations are in italics) along with an attachment of the original email.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of kose
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:29 PM
To: 'Directors'
Subject: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee.
Muhterem Dostlar,
Spanish hocasi ile anlasma yaptik, 3-4 gundur orientation a da gelip gidiyordu. Dun ve bugun student orientation a gelmedi, aramadi, not filam da birakmadi. Az once istifa ettigini belirten bir email gondermis.
Sizce de, kontratlardaki bu maddenin ne kadar saglam oldugunu gormek icin iyi bir firsat cikmis degil mi karsimiza? Ne dersiniz, bunca is guc arasinda ugrasmaya degmez mi, yoksa iyi bir ders verelim ve ogrenme kalici mi olsun?
Slm ile,
Subject : New contracts and Liquidation Fee
Dear Friends,
We made a contract with a Spanish teacher, he was coming to the orientation for the last 3-4 days. He did not come to the student orientation today and yesterday, he did not call and he did not leave a note. He sent his letter of resignation a couple of minute ago.
Don’t you think that it is a good opportunity to test and to see how strong the item in the contract?
What do you think? Do you think it is not worth to deal with it in these lots of work or should we give him a good lesson that will be permanent?
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ryan Uysaler
Sent: 27 Aðustos 2008 Çarþamba 16:36
To: 'Directors'
Subject: RE: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
Bence avukat bir mektu gondersin. Tirsacaksa zaen hemen tirsar. Avukat mektuta bunu ODE e bildrecegiz, License siniz iptal edilebilir diye hatirlatsin…
I think that the lawyer should send a letter to him. If he is going to be terrified, he would be terrified. The lawyer should remind him that we would let ODE inform and your license can be cancelled.
--- On Wed, 8/27/08, Ozgur Balsoy <[email protected]> wrote:
From: Ozgur Balsoy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], "'Directors'" <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 5:44 PM
okullarin ogretmenlerin lisanslarini iptal yetkileri var bu gibi durumlarda, diye biliyoruz.
We know that schools can cancel teachers’ licenses in some
of these situations.
On Aug 27, 2008, at 3:58 PM, kose wrote:
Avukati da yalanimiza ortak edelim diyosun yani. J Yermi abi elemanlar, sen bu yolun basindayken onlar 10 uncu turu bindiriyolardi.
slm ile.
You are saying that let’s add the lawyer to our lies. Do you think that they will be fooled? While you were at the beginning of this road, they were finishing the 10th round, and ahead of us.
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sedat Duman <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [directors] Yeni Kontratlar ve Liquidation Damage Fee..
To: [email protected]
Evet public schoollarin 6 ay ogretmen sertifikalarini suspend ettirme hakki var. Bizzat sordum ve aldim cevabimi. Alayci bir tavirla telefonun diger tarafindaki ODE yetkilisi "Ama charter schoolarin boyle bir hakki yok, exempt oldugunuz meselelerden biri de bu" dedi. "Ogretmen istedigi zaman "Walk out" yapabilir" dedi.
Liquidation Damage ondan cok yakacak. Milletin fevarani biraz da bundan. "TAKIP" gidemeyecegim bu okula, o bana takacak seklinde..
Yes, public schools have the right to suspend a teacher’s license for 6 months. I asked personally and I got the answer. The ODE officials at the other end of the phone cynically said “But charter schools do not have a right to do this, it is one of the other issues that you are exempt from.” “Teachers can walk out anytime.”
So, the Liquidation Damages will harm a lot. It is the reason that people are upset. They won’t be able to “f..k” the school and leave because the (school) will " f..k" them.

re_directors_yeni_kontratlar_ve_liquidation_damage_fee.pdf | |
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