Here's Something to Talk About at the Next "Tea Meeting"
Sure, I know what they are going to say -- again -- that this is all made up. However, I assure you it is not. It is just a small sampling of evidence that proves that the Turkish boys are up to some pretty serious shenanigans.
The Turkish information has been translated, and I will give bonus points to anyone who can translate the two emails that are not translated (see Bonus Points page). I know that the email that contains wit "MU" refers to the Tuzuk money they have to pay, and the other one refers to funds not yet received and due (Sal and Arslan). Please feel free to translate them and send the translations on to this website.
Pay particular attention to their "plan" to get around any legal issues by stating that they will be okay as long as they have "An owner on the Board "(the school board that is).